i bet you guys know ombre right?
this is what you need:
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its like ombre is become everyone's favorite. ombre nail, ombre hair, ombre whatever~
since everyone is going ombre, i don't wanna left behind!
some of my friend dye their hair ombre at the salon and the result is not so good until i met Audie and her ombre hair, she did it by herself and look so nice >.< *don't forget to take a look at her blog*
and finally i did it by myself, if it's failed i just go right away to her and ask her to do it for me, i said. LOL XD
here it goes...
this is what you need:
1. aluminum foil
2. hair bleach, i use Sasha or you can use other brand.
3. mixing bowl
4. applicator
5. worn out t-shirt
6. gloves